
β€œThe most remarkable session I've ever attended – inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking!”

Kevin is a master storyteller who brings a mix of authenticity, humor, and pragmatism to audiences. He speaks on a wide range of topics including:

  • Leading with Purpose

  • Thriving Beyond the 9 to 5

  • Cracking the Career Code: How to Create a Meaningful and Successful Career

  • The Innovation of You: How Transform Yourself and Live an Extraordinary Life

He has spoken at fireside chats and book clubs, facilitated workshops for hundreds, and delivered keynote presentations for thousands. Some of Kevin’s previous clients include:

If you are interested in having Kevin speak at your event:

leadership & Development workshops

Kevin also works with teams and individuals in the corporate world. He builds and leads engaging, interactive workshops that help people move from ideas to action. Workshop topics include:

  • Essential Elements of a High-Performing Team

  • The Necessity of No β€”The Art of Practical Prioritization

  • Teams and Trust

  • Inspirational Leadership

  • Thriving in the Midst of Change

Kevin also builds custom workshops to help you address other issues you want to resolve.

Schedule a meeting with Kevin to explore the options: